v7.0.3 Release date: 06 Sep, 2024
New Feature

Custom Modules Advanced Filtering

- Ability to filter Custom Module items using JSON Query Language Syntax inside "filterBy" parameter of Liquid module component.
NOTE: This feature will complete all the BC's module_data filtering capabilities.

  • Custom Modules
New Feature

Liquid Parser Inside Text Based Files

Liquid (and module rendering) inside other text based files such as .css, .js, .xml, .json, .txt, etc.
Add ".liquid" suffix to the file URL to force it to be processed by the liquid engine.


In order to parse file by liquid first use such link:
  • Liquid
v7.0 Release date: 05 Jun, 2024
New Feature

API Access - open up the API v2

Opening up the API for authorized access to site data. It will allow access to site data for external software, programs, and other websites.

We are introducing v2 open API that incudes:
- Admin API
- Webhooks
- Frontend API
  • API
  • BC Equivalent
v6.11 Release date: 07 Feb, 2024
New Feature

Frontend API access restrictions

Provide the ability to restrict access to the following frontend API's:
- Create module item
- Update module item
- Delete module item
- Update draft module item
- Publish draft module item
- Google analytics report
- Secure zone subscribers analytics

Restriction criteria include:
1) User type restrictions setting
- Logged-in users
- User from one...
New Feature

Google Analytics events output via component and API

Ability to retrieve Google Analytics Events via liquid component and frontend API using reporting GA4 API: Method: properties.runReport
New Feature

Module Item frontend API forms extending

Provide ability to perform "save draft" and "publish draft" module item functionality via frontend forms similar to Create/Update module item forms.
Add getDraft parameter to the {% component type:"module" %}
Provide ability to configure unique autoresponders for each module item form:
- Create module item
- Update module item
- Delete module item
- Update draft module item
- Publish...
New Feature

Secure Zone Subscribers Analytics

Add secure zone subscribers analytics via liquid component and API (shows number of subscribers to the provided secure zones per each Day/Week/Month/Year in the provided date range).
New Feature

Unique, hash and random value liquid filters

Add "Unique", "Hash" and "Random" liquid filters
"Unique" liquid filter should return uniquid guid value
"Random" liquid filter should return random number between min and max value
"Hash" liquid filter should return a hash of the string the filter is applied to.
  • Liquid
New Feature

WYSIWYG: custom widgets

Provide the ability to create/update and delete custom HTML widgets for WYSIWYG and the ability to insert them using WYSIWYG.

Added "nonce" attribute support for CSP

Extend "HTTP Header Settings" -> Content Security Policy header functionality to natively support "nonce" param.

Category in the module item view improvement

Remove redundant level 4-dashes ("----") in the output if parent category is not root:
- in the {% component type:"categories", parentCategory:"[[parentCategoryId]]" %}
- in the add/edit module item forms of admin UI

Extended request.currentmember liquid object

Add a list of payment subscriptions to the request.currentmember liquid object.
It allows to determine if the current member has active recurring subscriptions and what products or secure zones they are assigned to.

Site search case insensitivity improvement

Improve site search to use case insensitive search by module item keywords
v6.10 Release date: 15 Nov, 2023

Internal infrastructure overhaul

Internal infrastructure overhaul which presumes servers, storage, FTP upgrade and source code transition from .NET 5 to .NET 6.
Overall CMS performance and secuirty enhancements are expected with this release.
New Feature

Analytics Dashboard - Google Data Studio Option

Ability to replace the current analytics dashboard with a client’s own Google Data Studio embed. Allowing vastly customisable analytics and other reporting views directly in the Treepl website admin.

What is Google Data Studio:
Transform your raw data into the metrics and dimensions needed to create easy-to-follow reports and dashboards. You can create meaningful, shareable charts and graphs with...

  • Admin Panel
  • Analytics
New Feature

Create Default JS Validation

Default validation for mandatory fields

  • Forms
  • General
New Feature

Google Analytics Global Time Selector

The ability to change all time periods at once in the analytics overview
  • Analytics
  • Treepl Portal
New Feature

UX Improvement - “Global Component Builder”

Anywhere in the admin console I press something like Shift + alt + c .

A modal appears with the same functionality as the component draw you get it various modules.


I always find myself needing to build a component in my IDE, but I have to go to the admin console, then to something like...
  • Admin Panel
  • UI/UX

Add “Delete All Items” toggle for Admin User Roles

Case: To stop the ability for Admin Users to be able to accidently delete all module items. Can we get an extra flag added in the Admin User Roles that gets generated for each custom module or anywhere this appears

Have it unchecked by default. Else, everyone will forget to configure it until it’s too late. So, essentially, ‘Delete...
  • Admin Panel
  • UI/UX

Add Release And Expiry Dates/Time To Menu Items

When sites are being updated, it is common to have a release time for updates. This release time may be at an inconvenient time for the developer. Frequently site updates will mean new sections of the site are being added or removed. To add and remove sections of the website it would be great to have the ability for new...
  • Admin Panel
  • Menus

Admin UI/UX Adjustments

For most modules when adding an item there is a “Save” or “Save and New” button. I would like the “Save and New” button to be there even when editing an item not just when creating a new item.

In regards to the “Save” or “Save and New” buttons I’ve been wondering if it might also be...

  • UI/UX

Create Folder Within Image/Media Manager

The ability to add a folder within Media/Image Manager

  • File Manager

Custom Module: Custom Properties. Rename "Text (String)" To "Single Line Text" Or "String (Text)".

When creating lots of fields it's time consuming to click on the dropdown and scroll to the correct property. It would be nice if you could just push "s" to jump to string. Ideally every type of field would have a name with a unique starting letter so you could use keys to jump to them. Also recommend having string...
  • Custom Modules

Custom Module: Remove Downloadable Media Checkbox

When adding a ‘Media’ field type in a Custom Module the “Downloadable file” option is automatically added under the field.
I like to see this removed as it would surely not be used all that often and creates confusion and clutter in the interface.
Instead, could it be added as an option when...

  • Custom Modules

Custom Modules Properties: Making Mandatory Items More Visible

When you check the custom properties of any custom module and want to know which ones are defined as mandatory, you need to click each one into edit mode:


It would be nice if we could see which ones are mandatory right in the properties list.

  • Custom Modules

Custom Reports (further refinement)

Select/Deselect All option for these areas to expand our custom report filtering results

custom-reports-refinement.png custom-reports-refinement.png custom-reports-refinement.png

  • UI/UX

Fields/columns Added To The E-commerce/Gift Vouchers Module

Please add the following fields/columns to the gift voucher module:

  • Date Purchased
  • Purchasers Name
  • Order Number
  • Link to order on list view

  • Ecommerce

File Manager: Show Date + List View in "Slide-In"

The list view in file manager should include the date of the upload like in BC to make it easier to handle e.g. media files, which are updated on a regular basis.

The slide-in file manager (when selecting media or other files from within module item) should have an option for list view. It makes...
  • File Manager

File Manager to better display images with transparent backgrounds

Enhancement for the File Manager (and Media fields) to better cater for, and display, transparency in image files (such as PNGs and SVGs) so that the thumbnails of transparent images with white areas don’t become invisible.

I’ve often come across the issue of not being able to properly see some images files in the File Manager when they...

  • File Manager

File Upload On Mobile Devices

The ability to upload files to the file manager from mobile devices.

  • Admin Panel
  • File Manager
  • UI/UX

Module Item Notes: Option To Display Notes More Prominently

Module item notes are great! But they are a bit small and users can miss them. Sometimes I want to add big bold notes that will give users instructions that they can’t miss.

Issues: Currently module field notes are displayed in a small icon that needs to be hovered to see them. Clients may miss this subtle icon.

  • Admin Panel
  • Custom Modules

Site Information Enhancements/Fixes

A few minor adjustment requests for Site Information module:

dateTime field is still just a Date field. Is it possible to update this to select Time as well (as per dateTime field update throughout the rest of the admin)

When setting an Alias (particularly a ‘Short Alias’) there is a validation that runs to check for conflicting names....
  • Admin Panel

UX/UI Request: List Template Used Against System Pages

Would be nice to see at a glance the template that is applied to system page. I’d image this would be a simple fix too.


  • Pages and Templates
  • UI/UX
v 6.9.1 Release date: 21 Jun, 2023

Google Analytics GA4 integration

New Google Analytics (GA4) integration is now available on Treepl. Now you have the ability to switch between UA and GA4 by selecting which analytics should be applied on the Setup Analytics page (https://prnt.sc/n1_vt1LC7yuR).
v 6.9 Release date: 16 Nov, 2022

Misc Improvements (v6.9)

- Improvements based on support tickets. More details will be provided in the release notes.
  • Admin Panel
  • General
  • UI/UX
v 6.8 Release date: 03 Oct, 2022
New Feature

Abandoned Cart Functionality

Add Abandoned Cart functionality to eCommerce.
  • BC Equivalent
  • Ecommerce
New Feature

E-commerce Quoting Option

E-commerce quoting option so that when order goes through the admin it can be edited, changed, completed before the quote is transformed into an order and the invoice is issued for payment in full or for a deposit payment. A workflow can then also be generated for the order to go to the client/accountant/franchisee.

As part of this feature...
  • CRM
  • Ecommerce
New Feature

Headers settings custom setup

Header settings page. Ability to enable/disable header(s), ability to setup header's specific settings.
New Feature

Module item rating

Ability to add Item Rating column in module -> table setup and show rating in item list view.
New system property to Edit module item form,
new module item liquid property.
Ability to search by Item_Rating property when using {% component type:"module", isSearchResult:"true"%} for searching.
Ability to sort by Item_Rating field in {% component type:"module" %}. ...

Add view only column Item Urls to Export

When exporting the products to a CSV file (export table), include the full product URL’s rather than just the parent so products can be linked to their URL’s.

Checklist values with comma saving Fix

The created element from the frontend doesn't save the "checkbox list" property with the "," symbol. This will be addressed.

Disable detail layout feature

If Disable detail layout is TRUE, make unreachable all module items URLs of the module.
If module item has Detail layout property selected as "Don't use", show 404 page content (with 404 status code) when accessing the item by URL.

Event payment order with tax

Event payment should create order with tax now.

eWay payment field expiration workaround

Extend eWAY payment gateway settings to avoid issue when credit card data determined as expired after second form submit even after payment data was fixed.

"Remember Me" for CRM login form

Provide the ability to remember the logged-in state for CRM Members and configure its duration.

Rename Site information to Site Globals

"Site information" block renaming to "Site Globals". Typical use-cases for Site Globals might be to store the company name, address, contacts, logo, etc. in one handy location and render that information throughout the site via Liquid.

Tax rounding strategy setting

Ability to select tax rounding strategy:
- banker rounding + error compensation (unit price and total price)
- banker rounding (unit price only).
v 6.7 Release date: 08 Jun, 2022
New Feature

Zapier Integration

Zapier integration to handle the connection between Treepl CMS and apps that Zappier supports.
Support of the following Zapier integrations:

Triggers (should be performed by Treepl once appropriate action is made in the CMS):

  • New Module Item
  • Updated Module Item
  • New CRM Member
  • Updated CRM Member
  • New CRM Form Submission
  • Updated CRM Form Submission
  • New CRM Booking Subscription
  • Updated...
  • Extensions
v 6.6 Release date: 11 May, 2022
New Feature

Event Anniversary Emails

The ability to send a custom email to the subscriber with information about the event they had purchased and anniversary emails to subscribers based on the course date ie. -3, +3 so you can easily remind participants of the event and then request feedback about it.
And being able to download a report of all event participants.

  • BC Equivalent
  • Emails
  • Events
  • Workflow
New Feature

Preview And Draft Mode For Pages And Module Items

The ability to save a draft and preview this, before the page/item is published.

  • BC Equivalent
  • Custom Modules
  • Pages and Templates

Add Shipping Address Fields to Form

Add Shipping Address fields to System Form Properties.

Shipping Address
Shipping City
Shipping State
Shipping Zip
Shipping Country
  • BC Equivalent
  • Forms

Custom Modules - Show Image thumbnail in Table Columns

The ability to show thumbnail in Custom Module table. Where a Custom Module has an Item Property>Custom Property that is type Media. In that Custom Module’s > Table of items can we add the option to show a thumbnail of the actual image as well as the current option to show its path.
  • Custom Modules

Custom reCAPTCHA Key Setup

Ability to setup your own reCAPTCHA key to the particular site (in such way you will have all reCAPTHA statistics in google reCAPTCHA dashboard).
  • Forms
  • Secure Zones

eCommerce User Input Field For Products

Request for BC Equivalent Functionality - The ability to add a user-input field to a product listing to capture details specific to that product. For example - embroidery on a shirt, message on flowers or icing on a cake etc.

This is functionality that BC provided and appears to be common in eCommerce solutions, it would be great to...
  • BC Equivalent
  • Ecommerce

{{order}} Object To Be Generally Available

Currently, the Liquid {{order}} object is accessible only in the system Invoice layout.

If possible, requesting this be made generally available - the same as the other form submission related objects: {{formSubmissionData}}, {{workflow}} and {{member}}.

ie: in the forms autoresponder fields, workflow notification email fields and the forms JSON response/confirmation page (system or custom page)....
  • Liquid

Related Products Alphabetised

Currently the ‘related products’ for any product are not listed in alphabetical order and there is no search field.

This means you have to try to locate the product you want by scrolling through a random list of products, to try and find the right product to add as ‘related’.

This needs to be alphabetised based on the...
  • Admin Panel
  • BC Equivalent
  • Ecommerce
v 6.5 Release date: 16 Mar, 2022
New Feature

API Access - open up the API (phase #1)

Opening up the API for authorised access to site data would really enhance the already excellent functions available within each site. It could allow access to site data for external software, programs and other websites and I believe would increase the appeal of the platform.

Current phase API's:
- Retrieve access token

  • API
  • BC Equivalent
New Feature

New Service (Enterprise)

Details and presentation coming soon 😏

Customers And Products Report

Currently, the system will allow for a report on Customers and Orders, which can be filtered by Product, however, the results display ALL of the customer’s products in the order that contains the product that you’re filtering by. What we really need to is to be able to see all customers who purchased a specific product – but without displaying...
  • BC Equivalent
  • CRM
  • General

Improved Custom Reporting

Custom Reports would be generated significantly faster than before.
Improved Custom Reporting would be available through feature flag (disabled by default).
You need to enable it manually for each site if you want to experience the improvement.
  • CRM
v 6.4 Release date: 07 Feb, 2022
New Feature

Page Rollback Option

Roll back function on pages, custom modules etc.

  • Admin Panel
  • BC Equivalent
  • Custom Modules
New Feature

Website Backup

Extra add-on that allows performing scheduled automatic backups of FTP files and database of the site saving it to an archive that can be stored locally or within a 3rd party storage service (Dropbox, Google Drive, etc.).
  • Extensions
v 6.3 Release date: 24 Nov, 2021
New Feature

Recurring Products

Abiity to create products with rucurring subscription.
It will operate similar way it did in BC.
  • BC Equivalent
  • Ecommerce

OSE Editor (former nICE)

nICE editor functionality with removed jQuery dependency.
v 6.2.0 - 6.2.1 Release date: 13 Oct, 2021
New Feature

Native Comments

Ability to add comments to modules of the site.

Comments Zapier integration:

  • New Comment
  • Updated Comment
  • Create new comment
  • Update comment
  • Find Comment

Some features for comments:

  • Comments may be threaded (i.e. commenters have the ability to respond to existing comments) or flat (a chronological listing of comments).
  • We should have the ability natively to emphasize the module item’s author comments.
  • Ability to paginate comments
  • Ability to link...
  • BC Equivalent
  • Blogs
  • Custom Modules
  • General

Ecommerce: Ability To Print And Re-send An Invoice From The Order (CRM)

Like in BC it would be nice if one could print (style would be taken from Invoice email content) the invoice for the customer that you would included with the product when sending it to the customer.
Ability to print would also include shipping layouts (Packing Slip, Package Label layouts)

At the moment we would need to do all...
  • BC Equivalent
  • Ecommerce
v 6.1 Release date: 30 Jun, 2021
New Feature

Gift Cards And Discount Codes On Any Payment Forms

Ability to apply Discount Code and/or Gift Voucher on:
- General payment form
- Secure zone subscription form
- Event payment form
  • Ecommerce
  • Forms
  • Secure Zones
New Feature

Stripe Customer Portal

Add the ability for logged in users to get the Stripe Customer Portal page that belongs to the particular recurring order.
List of functionality available through the Stripe Customer Portal:
- Update credit card for the subscription
- Get billing history for the subscription
- Change subscription plan
- Cancel subscription
- Change user data (Email Address, Phone Number, etc.)
  • Ecommerce

Account Created In Portal

In the Partner Portal in both the Live Site and Trial site settings, can we get a “Account Created” text field, which generates the exact date that the site was created? To go one step further, possibly if we can get the date the website went live?

So, Trial site settings would show: Date Trial Site was Created; and,
  • Admin Panel

Custom Reports: Customer And Order logic extending

Add the following view and filter options to the "Customer And Order" report: - Product Name
- Product Attributes
- SKU Code
- Product Quantity
- Product Price
- Product Total Price
- Order Discount Price
- Order Discount Code
- Order Gift Voucher Price
- Order Gift Voucher
- Order Shipping Price
  • BC Equivalent
  • CRM
v 6.0 Release date: 04 Jun, 2021
New Feature

Bulk Assignment Of Pages To A Template

Ability to assign several pages to a template via admin interface.

  • Pages and Templates
  • UI/UX

Allow module child item search from Tree View (same as List View)

The ability to search in Blog posts just like in pages, snippets, Custom Modules etc.

  • Blogs
  • UI/UX

BONUS: Add “Format” To Code Editor

Button for formating code correctly. code-editor-formating.png
  • BC Equivalent
  • UI/UX

Implement reCaptcha v3 For System Forms/login

Depreciate the need to use recaptcha v2 on login forms and any other system form (I can only think of the account password update form, but there may be others).

Logins are always a barrier for end-users and bring along a whole set of additional user issues.
Implementing recaptcha v3 just helps make this process more user-friendly and...

  • General
  • Secure Zones

Module Introductory Note: allow adding an introductory paragraph to the module list view

Allow adding an introductory paragraph to the module list view to give editors some guidance

Sometimes we want to give users some general directions for a module or some context on how a module is being used and what part of the website it populates.

Proposed solution:
Allow the addition of notes to a module that would be...
  • Admin Panel
  • Custom Modules

New Architecture

This is the biggest update to Treepl CMS ever. We will be organizing a separate meeting to present all the changes and opportunities that the new architecture brings to the platform. Stay tuned.
  • General
  • Infrastructure
  • Liquid

Show Discount Codes In Backend

The ability to see which discount code is used for a specific order in the backend.


  • Ecommerce

Show/Hide Inactive/Disabled Items

The ability to show/hide inactive/disabled items across the modules of the admin panel.

· showing all enabled and disabled
· showing just enabled
· showing just disabled
  • Admin Panel
  • Custom Modules
v 5.9.5 Release date: 22 Apr, 2021
New Feature

Shopping cart JS events and triggers

"Before" Callbacks

"Before" callbacks could be used for additional custom js logic and could interrupt event process.
Process could be interupted via event.preventDefault(); function.


document.addEventListener("CMS_BeforeExample", function(event)
var data = event.data;
//custom code here

List of callbacks (see release notes)

"After" Callbacks

"After" callbacks could be used in order to retrieve data that...

  • Ecommerce
New Feature

Template MAX

One big universal template with all the features and functionalities that Treepl offers: TEMPLATE MAX
  • Templates

Ability to use variables in for tag

Ability to use limit and offset param value via variables.
Not only via pure numbers.

{% assign array = "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9" | split: "," %}
{% assign lim = 3 %}
{% assign offset  = 3 %}

{% for item in array limit:lim offset: offset  reversed %}
{% endfor %}
Ability to use from and...
  • Liquid

Add ReleaseDate and Enabled properties to add/edit module item form for logged in users

Add prop_ReleaseDate to add and edit module item HTML forms, retrieved via toolbox.
Add ability to use prop_Enable in add and edit module item HTML forms.
- On ADD form - if prop_Enable specified in form submission - apply it's value only if there is no admin verification required for the module
  • Custom Modules

Default list layout for favorites list

Add default list layout for favorites (list of all items added to favorites) and insert in to blank.
Use output of Name, description and url only

Rename CRM > Favorites to CRM > Add to Favorites Button
- Add itemId param. Add item search to the field if source selected.
-- preset by {{this.id}} (similar to how it works on...
  • General

Improve Stripe payment error messages and payment form onsubmit

Add CMS_CustomSubmit event that will be triggered for all payment forms including forms with reCaptcha v3
Add CMS_triggerHandlePayment trigger that will allow to finalize payment process if form will be sent via ajax inside CMS_CustomSubmit event handler.
Add CMS_AfterFormPaymentHandled event that will be triggered once all payment processes are made.
See release notes for more details.
  • Ecommerce
v 5.9.2 Release date: 28 Jan, 2021
New Feature

Hair Salon Template

New template: Hair Salon
  • Templates

Bonus: Add Ability To Get File’s URL In File Manager

It’s hard for users to get file URLs from the file manager.
Proposed solution:
Add a new menu item, “Copy URL”, under file actions dropdown that allows a user to copy the file’s url.
It would also be nice if the file name was linked to the file location in list (non-tree)...
  • File Manager

Customize Analytics

Ability to edit admin's "Analytics" page:.
- Rename page and blocks
- Rearrange and resize blocks
- Change or hide data inside blocks
- Set data range
- Add extra analytics
Available starting "Pro" plan.
  • Analytics
v 5.9 Release date: 16 Dec, 2020
New Feature

Custom Client Notes For Custom Fields

New 'Notes' field against any custom field created in the admin. It would display next to the field when clients are creating Custom Module items and could provide additional info to help them when entering content.
For example: with a image field, the note might read "This image is displayed as the thumbnail on your Team Members page and idealy...
  • Custom Modules
New Feature

Save to Favorites

Add ‘Save to Favourites’ functionality to eCommerce.
  • BC Equivalent
  • Ecommerce
New Feature

Set Custom Icons For Nested Module Items In Tree View

The ability to change the icon


  • Custom Modules

Add Default Styling For Pagination

Currently pagination outputs raw unordered list.

Apply some default formatting to remove the bullets from the list and make it horizontal. Also by default it would be nice to truncate the pagination with “…” and show the last page if there are over 5 pages.

If we really want to get fancy we could make the default styling...

  • Blogs
  • Custom Modules

Admin UI changes (v5.9)

- Admin Proof Read/Suggestions: Admin Proof Read.docx
- Add info with site name and username to the header: See design
- Fix search in the data source. Currently, the search is working just from the start of the line.
- Alphabetic sorting of data sources.
- Alphabetic sorting of tags + button to sort from A to Z.
  • Admin Panel
  • UI/UX

"Already Taken" URL Validation

Validation warning for general URL conflicts before saving item. ie: for Pages and other items not influenced by the Advanced URL Manager.
  • General

Misc Improvements (v5.9)

- Set 404, 403 and 401 status codes when showing appropriate system pages
- Improve GDPR control, Contacts and advanced CRM groups
- Ability to "Favorite" a module item
- CRM -> Bookings: Export to Excel to be filtered by form name?
  • Admin Panel
  • General
  • UI/UX

Pages/Template/General Editing Window

Make the editing area fill the vertical space in the browser window.

  • Admin Panel
  • Pages and Templates

Recent Item Section

A ‘Recent Items’ section to quickly go back into last page/module you were in, without having to navigate back to that page.

  • UI/UX

Small UI tweak: Add Icons To Items Under "Content" Section

Implement the icons in “Content” section that are already under the components insertion list.

  • Admin Panel
v 5.8 Release date: 18 Nov, 2020
New Feature

Customizable Commissions

[Agency feature]
Ability to add commission on top of the CMS plan for sites customer chose to pay directly.
Instant distributed payments (PayPal).
  • Admin Panel

Branded Subdomain

Ability to create trial sites Partner's or Agency's primary domain.
Domain management section available from the Treepl Portal.
  • BC Equivalent
  • Treepl Portal
v 5.7 Release date: 28 Oct, 2020
New Feature

Bill Clients Directly

The ability to bill clients directly. Enabled via Treepl Portal, paid via site admin.
  • Admin Panel
New Feature

Default setting for availability for search engines

View design

Properties -> Default Properties:
Add ability to enable item for search engines once created.

Preselect it for following system modules
- Blog Post
- Page
- Page Folder
- Blog
- Event Groups
- Events

When new module created - preselect that setting by default
  • SEO
New Feature

New account level: AGENCY

All new features and capabilities are listed on our updated Reseller Program page.
  • Treepl Portal

Custom Reports needing export of Secure Zone members

Ability to export Secure Zone members from CRM.
  • Secure Zones
v 5.6 Release date: 08 Oct, 2020
New Feature

BONUS: US-2 Data Center (Virginia)

New data center: US (Virginia)
  • Infrastructure

BONUS: Customer Submitted Content - Add workflow for when items are edited

The ability to have notifications on both creating and editing items.

Would we be able to allow the programatic triggering of Workflows for Custom Module create/edit forms, like we have for general forms: https://docs.treepl.co/documentation_group/content-modules/forms#secTriggerWorkflows and this will allows us to configure Workflow/s for whatever condition we need.

  • Custom Modules
  • Workflow

Feature Flags Changes (v5.6)

Enable and hide following feature flags for
all (!) live sites:
- Advanced payment flow (Read article: MIGRATING TO ADVANCED PAYMENT FLOW)
- New liquid engine & nICE 2.0 (Read article: MIGRATING FROM LIQUID 1.0 TO 2.0)
  • Ecommerce
  • General
  • Liquid
  • On-Site Editor

Misc Improvements (v5.6)

- Sitemap.xml Exclude Module List
- Update CRM Contact Group on edit account form
- Advanced CRM groups on custom reports (+export)
- CRM import/export + advanced CRM groups
- Group products JS and Liquid logic
- Rounding Formula for Taxation Engine
- Shipping and tax improvements
- module_tag_list and module_category_list improvement
- Export of orders
- Exporting Subscribers from...
  • CRM
  • Ecommerce
  • SEO

User Submitted File Upload To Specific Folder (+ secure/unsecure submitted files)

The ability to assign a custom folder path for user-submitted media objects.
This should also apply in the admin - so when selecting a file the file manager opens to the defined folder.
The ability to setup custom folder path to be secured (only admin have access) or unsecured (anyone with the link have access).
  • Custom Modules
v 5.5 Release date: 20 Aug, 2020
New Feature

Authorize.net Payment Gateway

Auhtorize.net payment gateway for ecommerce and payable forms / events / subscriptions.

  • BC Equivalent
  • Ecommerce
New Feature

BONUS: 2FA (two-factor authentication)

The ability to enable 2FA (two-factor authentication) for site admin acccess and Treepl Portal access.
  • Admin Panel
  • General
New Feature

Ecommerce: 3rd Party Shipping Integration

Add 3rd party shipping APIs to eCommerce.

Integrations that partners have "voted" for:

· FedEx
· Canada Post
· Australia Post
· New Zealand Post

  • Ecommerce
New Feature

PayPal Payment Gateway

Paypal Standard (non seamless) and PayPal PayFlow (seamless) for ecommerce and payable forms / events / subscriptions.
  • BC Equivalent
  • Ecommerce
v 5.4 Release date: 13 Jul, 2020
New Feature

Advanced CRM

Customization of forms, form submissions and contacts by a set of predefined groups of fields.
  • BC Equivalent
  • CRM
New Feature

Assign CRM Records To Module Items As Datasource

1) "isDataUsingAllowed" - system property type checkbox added to CRM record (only crm records that has this checkbox ticked on will be allowed to be assigned to module items (should help with the GDPR since this checkbox allows user to disallow using his record just by uncheckin the checkbox on the profile page).

2) CRM record - type property...
  • CRM
  • Custom Modules
New Feature

Custom Reports

Ability to create custom records based form submissions, booking records, contacts etc.
  • CRM
v 5.3 Release date: 06 May, 2020

Misc Improvements (5.3)

This list of improvements is gathered from Treepl users' feedback from forum and support:
  • Ability to copy existing custom module "Pro" plan
  • Parent child module links in module settings
  • search keywords field to import/export
  • nICE color picker z index issue
  • Case Insensitive URL redirect param
  • Add option to disable default styles and scripts in Misc settings
  • Re-apply folder detail...
  • Ecommerce

Ecommerce Improvements (5.3)

This list of improvements is gathered from Treepl users' feedback:
  • Auto add this.ProductDataJsonHTML to product detail layout
  • Stripe customers in advanced payment logic
  • Attribute and attribute options ordering
  • Show number of products in shopping cart in the product
  • Link to order on gift voucher
  • Add link to order from Case, booking
  • Daily recurring subscriptions
  • Order Management Upgrade - final...
  • Ecommerce
New Feature

Deferred Order Payment

Ability to manually pay for order through a dedicated system page (link is available through admin).

  • Ecommerce
New Feature

Downloadable Products

Ability to create downloadable products (files).
It will operate similar way it did in BC.
  • Ecommerce

Manually Add Password To A CRM Record

The ability to add a password manually in the CRM.

  • CRM

"Today" Button For Release/Expiry Date Functionality

Add a "Today" button on Release/Expiry Date fields for making inputting date easier, as in BC.
  • Custom Modules
  • UI/UX
v 5.2 Release date: 15 Apr, 2020

Performance Update and General Overhaul

Liquid 2.0 + nICE 2.0 polishing and finalization
Overall system performance upgrade (up to 80% on pages with multitude of module items and components)
  • General

Treepl Portal: Upgrade Website

Ability to upgrade a paid website, with difference in cost applied billed through PayPal or Stripe
  • Treepl Portal
v 5.1 Release date: 18 Mar, 2020
New Feature

Ecommerce Template: "Furniture"

New ecommerce/Foundation/WCAG 2.1 compliant template:"Furniture"
  • Templates
New Feature

eWAY Payment Gateway

eWAY payment gateway for ecommerce and payable forms/events/subscriptions.
  • Ecommerce

Ecommerce Additions

  • Tax price on product detail and in attribute component
  • Ability to see stock quantity for product variations with disabling of variations
  • Volume discount info available via Liquid
  • A button to restore all system pages and system emails to default
  • Ecommerce

BUG: Item Duplication of an already Duplicated Item

If you duplicate an item (from within the edit page), save it as a new item, then duplicate that item (still within the edit page), it actually duplicates the original/first item instead of the new one.

  • Admin Panel
  • Bugs
  • Pages and Templates
v 5.0 Release date: 19 Feb, 2020
New Feature

BONUS: UK Data Center

New data center: UK (London)
More details in our blog post
  • Infrastructure
New Feature


Ecommerce release schedule
  • Products
  • Catalogs
  • Discounts
  • Taxes
  • Shipping
  • Gift vouchers
  • Related products
  • Shopping cart and checkout process

  • Ecommerce

Ability To Assign Documents To A Secure Zone

Ability to make documents such as PDFs and Word docs secure by assigning them to a secure zone. And/or the ability to assign a folder and all the documents in it to a secure zone so that no one can access or download the document unless they are logged into the secure zone.

  • Secure Zones
v 4.14 Release date: 29 Jan, 2020
New Feature

eCommerce beta

Ecommerce release schedule
  • Products
  • Catalogs
  • Discounts
  • Taxes
  • Shipping
  • Gift vouchers
  • Related products
  • Shopping cart and checkout process

  • Ecommerce
v 4.12 Release date: 25 Dec, 2019

Treepl Portal: Monthly Billing

Ability to bill by the month
  • Treepl Portal
v 4.11 Release date: 27 Nov, 2019
New Feature

Sell Secure Zone Memberships

Functionality to sell membership to a secure zone e.g.: on annual, monthly, weekly, daily basis.
Payment gateway: Stripe.
  • Ecommerce
  • Secure Zones
v 4.9 Release date: 23 Oct, 2019
New Feature

Advanced URL Management Part 1

- Ability to assign multiple URL's for a single content item (by attaching mulitple parents items)
- Ability to assign multi-slug for Custom Modules (for example: eng/my-module)
- Ability to assign already taken slug for Custom Module (for example: /inventory - is a page or page folder. Custom Module inventory can also take /inventory...
  • General
  • Pages and Templates
New Feature

Email Domain Verification

Ability to verify domain with Amazon SES to use in "From" field in your email notifications.
This allows avoiding emails to be rejected or delivered as spam.
  • Emails
  • Workflow

Authorization Token Renew

Adding background token renew flow to avoid unnecessary re-authentication.
  • Admin Panel
v 4.8.0-2 Release date: 03 Oct, 2019
New Feature

Advanced URL Management Part 2

- "/url/path/index.html" page to be always resolved under "/url/path/" URL.
  • General
  • Pages and Templates
New Feature

eCommerce part 1

Payment Settings: Currency and format settings
Discount codes
Gift vouchers
Shipping options
  • Ecommerce
New Feature

Single Account Identity Provider (SSO)

Single Account Identity Provider (SSO) via systemaccess.co for:
- FTP + Treepl admin + Treepl portal
- FTP + General Admin user
- Ability to send an invite to an already created admin user
- Ability for an admin user to have access to multiple treepl sites (on multiple DC's) with single credentials
  • General
  • Infrastructure
  • Treepl Portal

Changes in Treepl's pricing plans/restrictions

Integration of changes in our pricing plans that were announced several weeks ago
Changes will be applied to all existing and new sites.
Pro+ plan renamed to eCommerce
eCommerce features available in eCommerce plan only
Advanced module settings for system modules available in eCommerce plan only
Payable events, items, forms available starting Pro plan (used to be an extension), together...
  • General

Invoices for paid sites

Ability to download a properly formatted invoice receipt
  • Treepl Portal

Remove "Title" From Blank Site Content Template

When starting from a Blank site, the default code inserted for the Content Template includes a restrictive <title> element: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>WebinOne Features for WebinOne Partners & Resellers</title> <title>{ this['name'] }</title> </head> <body> { pageContent } </body> </html> I'd suggest removing the <title> element altogether since the system now handles document titles automatically and in accordance with the Name or Meta Title value.
  • General
  • Pages and Templates
v 4.7 Release date: 21 Aug, 2019

Custom Columns In List View

Give the user the ability to setup how list view is shown in the different modules/pages etc. to match the need of the user.

See an example in this video

  • General
  • UI/UX

File System' API Endpoint (Component Tag) That Can List Files And Folders From The File Manager

This, for example, could allow us to build gallery apps from a directory of images, list downloadable files from organised in directories, and other file system related functions. Similar to BCs File System API here: https://docs.worldsecuresystems.com/reference/rest-apis/file-system/get-folder-content.html

  • API
  • File Manager
v 4.6 Release date: 31 Jul, 2019

Multiple Improvements In File Manager

Design: http://prntscr.com/onhp35
Added and improved functionality:
1. Tooltips with full file names in the sidebar: http://prntscr.com/onhv20
2. Separate scroll for main and tree-view section: http://prntscr.com/onhyz7 3. Edit file (edit and quick edit): http://prntscr.com/njyf77
4. Download of files and folders: http://prntscr.com/onhw3p
5. Right click menu: http://prntscr.com/oe4vex
6. Files in tree view and ability to manage them: http://prntscr.com/onhu7e
  • File Manager

Treepl Portal: Data Center Assigned To Website

Ability to see Data Center assigned to website
  • Treepl Portal
v 4.5 Release date: 10 Jul, 2019
New Feature

New Email Accounts

Ability to create new email accounts for every hosted/activated site from Treepl Portal. Currently, you can request email accounts to be created by emailing to support@treepl.co
  • Treepl Portal

BONUS: Advanced Multi-level Categories

Ability to create and easilty manage global multi-level categories.
Currently available as one of the "Beta Features" and needs to be enabled manually on every Treepl site.
  • Admin Panel
  • General

Contacts Import

The ability to import/export CRM contacts. For example for users of secure zones that should be imported from BC

  • CRM
  • Treepl Portal

BUG: {{this.member}} data does not output to system Invoice email

{{this.member}}data does not output to the system Invoice email layout.
It works on the system Workflow email but not the Invoice....
  • Bugs

BUG: SEO Priority Default Setting

In Custom Modules, when the SEO Priority default is set (under step 2. Item Properties), it is visually applied in admin view for all existing and new items but doesn’t actually apply to the item (not reflected in sitemap or in Liquid...

  • Bugs

BUG: Spaces Generated In Form Code

When adding Event and Payment fields to a Form, the generated HTML code has incorrect spaces forming.

  • Bugs
v 4.4 Release date: 19 Jun, 2019
New Feature

Duplicate Existing Custom Module

The ability to duplicate existing custom module.
Extended feature could be the ability to export settings/layouts etc. for Custom Module and import it in to another site.
Available in Pro+ plan
  • Custom Modules
New Feature

Release Time

Release *time* for blog posts, custom module items, pages etc. So instead of just a release date, also have the ability to choose a specific time the content is released.

  • Custom Modules
  • General
  • Pages and Templates
New Feature

Webform Autoresponders WYSIWYG

WYSIWYG editor so that customers can update the content in autoresponders.

  • General
  • WYSIWYG Editor

BUGS: User-Submitted Custom Module Items

BUG 1:
Not sure that user-submitted CM items are honouring site timezone for release date and expiry date IN THE WEB FORM RESPONSE - actual dates in the admin and when later rendering on site are correct.
(I’m testing with a Sydney timezone set)
Release date is always different.
Expiry is different when the date is set in the Create...
  • Bugs
v 4.3 Release date: 29 May, 2019

URL Redirects Import

Ability to import URL redirects using a .csv file.
Including PDF’s, media items, images, urls ending with a forward slash “/” and unusual urls that include special characters like &, =, $ or .aspx, .php etc. Ability to create wildcard redirects
  • General
  • SEO
New Feature

Global Variables Builder

The ability to have a "Site Setting" App, where it is possible to add settings for the client that one could then feed and use throughout the entire site. It could be things like logo, phone, email, address etc.

With the ability to have the option of setting the liquid names/aliases so the tags are customisable. So instead of...
  • Admin Panel

BONUS: Form Fields Sorting

Sorting of form fields when making a form is reversed in the final layout.

  • Forms

Liquid Context Rendering

The ability to output all available liquid on the current page.
The BC equivalent would be {{this|json}}

  • Liquid
v 4.2 Release date: 08 May, 2019
New Feature

Multiple Domain Names

Ability to add multiple domain names to a website and point to different landing pages.
  • SEO
New Feature

Pause Clients Which Are Not Paying

The ability to pause clients access to the admin and their email if they are not paying their bills.

  • Treepl Portal

BONUS: Alternate Name Of Custom Module Item

Ability to set a custom name for custom module item.
Very useful when using nested custom modules.
  • Custom Modules

BONUS: “Author” and “Added By” fields to include links to those CMS items

Add a link to the CRM record next to any “Added By” field.
Add a link to the Author item next to any “Author” field.
  • CRM

BONUS: Change SEO Title To Meta Title In Liquid Properties

Version 3.2 brought a change to the SEO section changing the ‘SEO Title’ field name to ‘Meta Title’.

It would be great to have this passed through to the Liquid property naming also for consistency.

ie: {{this.metatitle}}

We may need both {{this.seotitle}} (old) and {{this.metatitle}} (new) available for backwards compatability

  • Liquid
  • SEO

BONUS: Duplicate, Download Files & Folders

- Ability to download file from File Manager
- Ability to download folder from File Manager (as a seperate zip file)
- Ability to duplicate file and/or folder in File Manager
- Files and folders to render in alphabetical order
  • File Manager

BONUS: Expiry Dates For Subscriptions

Functionality for admins to set expiry date for a customer to access a secure zone. (eg: access expires 31.12.2019)

  • Secure Zones

Update Liquid To Include Date & Time Filters

Date Filters can be very important to web sites that use dates and calendering.

See the following link for BC's Date Filters:

Link to BC docs
  • Liquid
v 4.1 Release date: 17 Apr, 2019
New Feature

BONUS: Lawyer Template

New custom grid template "Lawyer" is available from Partner Portal for all types of users.
  • Templates
New Feature

BONUS: Photography Template (Foundation)

New Foundation template "Photography" is available from Partner Portal for all types of users.
  • Templates

BONUS: Custom Module Import/Export

1) Extended version of import/export file
2) Add disable from site search property to the import/export file
  • Custom Modules

BONUS: Edit & Re-shuffle Tags In Modules

Ability to edit and shuffle “Tags” in modules. Right now, you can only add. So, if you make a mistake, misspell, etc, you need to delete the tag and re-add it again.
Also, would be nice to have the ability to re-shuffle tags (i.e. order of tags)
  • Custom Modules

Code View In Custom Module WYSIWYG

The ability to go to “Code View” in custom WYSIWYG field in Custom module. (Not in the native item description field where is works already)


  • Custom Modules
  • UI/UX
  • WYSIWYG Editor

Menu Layouts Inline With Other Modules

For consistency, I’d like to see Menu layouts brought into the admin more in line with how all other module layouts are managed.

Some mockups below: menu-layout1.png



  • Admin Panel
  • Menus

Update Import Templates To Allow "Disable From Site Search" For Items During Import

Items imported into Treepl using Templates do not always need to be found by Site Search.

By default, all imported Items are found by Site Search.

In Use Cases where Items should not be searchable it is necessary to edit every Item after it is imported and check the Disable From Site Search check box.

A number of partners have encountered this issue,...

  • Treepl Portal

BUG: Site Search With Multiple Keywords

Site search using more than one word as the search term is not returning any results, even with site reindexed.
Tested on both a live site and a trial site.

  • Bugs
  • General

BUG: “site.webmanifest” Files Not Supported

“site.webmanifest” files are not accessible via their URLs and are therefore not usable by browsers and other applications.

  • Bugs
  • General

Link Manager Changes Link Name

When using the Link Manager in the WYSIWYG editor for linking to a page, the Link Manager will overwrite the text selected as link with the name of the page. 


"This is my LINK"

Then mark "LINK" and go to the Link Manager and press "Page" and then choose a page called "Test".


  • Bugs
  • General
  • WYSIWYG Editor
v 4.0.2 Release date: 27 Mar, 2019

Auto-Collapse Item Settings / Custom Properties Toggle

The ability to have a “cookie” set to remember when you click the toggle to collapse container?
This way when you go back it is still set as collapsed? Or somewhere in a General Settings area where you can have it set to Auto Collapse (like a Global Setting).

Also the ability to apply this to the ‘Items Per Page’ pop-up...

  • Admin Panel

Events Not Sorting By ‘EventDateStart’ And ‘EventDateEnd’

When using sortBy parameters in the component module for events, ‘EventDateStart’ and ‘EventDateEnd’ do not work to sort by those dates.

  • Bugs
  • Events

Saving Template Will “Postpends” A "-1"

When saving Templates after within Content Template, it “postpends” a -1 after it.
Even after -1 is removed it brings it back again.

If saving it again, adds a 2, saving it a third time adds a 3 etc.

Screen shot is after removing, saving, back to list view, saving, and it comes back again.


  • Bugs
  • Pages and Templates
v 4.0 Release date: 20 Mar, 2019
New Feature

WYSIWYG Editor - Image Manager

Need to have the ability to add Spacing and Image Compression options as well, similar to how Shopify handles this

Right now one need to manually go in and update Margins. Would also be good to assign a custom CSS class to images.

  • Admin Panel
  • WYSIWYG Editor

FTP Access to Templates Etc.

FTP access to Pages, Menus, Content Templates, Snippets, Web forms (!), Blogs + Blog Posts, Events and Event Groups, Banners (Ad rotators), Galleries/Sliders (Photo Galleries), Authors, FAQ's, Custom Modules, Workflow Emails, System Emails, Email Templates and System Pages
  • FTP
v 3.3 Release date: 27 Feb, 2019
New Feature

Add TreeplCMS Version Number In Admin

Add version number in the admin

{% unless request.request_url.href contains "?tag" -%} version-number.png

{% endunless -%} ...
  • Admin Panel
New Feature

Calendar Support

Responsive calendar support for Events.
  • Events
New Feature

Use Blank Template

Sometimes when you want to create a new page on a site you don't want to use a template - perhaps for a differently style landing page or some other random page. Currently the system pulls in the default template. Can we have a page option that allows 'Don't use a template'.

  • Templates

Add "Parentname" To Component Source: “Page”

Add "parentname" to component source: page to target the name of the template.

{ % component source: "Page", layout: "".........
"id": 1832,
"url": "",
"parentid": 1833,
"lastupdateddate": "2018-10-21T23:34:21","

  • Pages and Templates

Direct Link To CRM Form Submission Entry

Ability to grab direct link to CRM form submission entry from the either the formsubmission or workflow collections to place in workflow email.
This is so that one can direct a workflow recipient straight to the Form submission in the admin console. something like {{ this.formSubmissionData.crm_link }} ...
  • CRM
  • Liquid

File Exports: Prepend Site URL And Postpend Date

When exporting files add the site url to the beginning of the file name and the date to the end of the filename i.e. website.com-team-module-export-2018-12-30.xls
  • Admin Panel
  • General

Home Page Status Available In {{this}} Object

Include the ‘Set as Home Page’ data within the {{this}} object so we have it available in Liquid.
It can be helpful to know for setting certain conditions in the template; just some examples:

· Show a hero slider above content when on home page
· Do not show a global subscription pop-up/modal window when on home page...
  • Liquid

Internal Custom Module Search

The ability to search all items in Module List even with “Disable from Site Search” checked. “Disable from Site Search" should only be for the front end site only, and not internally. Looks like you lose search functionality within the custom module list when it is checked.

  • Custom Modules
v 3.2 Release date: 12 Feb, 2019
New Feature

BONUS: Advanced Link Manager inside WYSIWYG Editor

In the WYSIWIG editor on pages or any other location where a url / link is may be added (blog, page edits, custom modules ) -

- "browse to url"

- link option to open in a popup

- add "title" tag to url links


  • General
  • WYSIWYG Editor
New Feature

Match Date Format To Site's Time Zone

Display dates in the correct format depending on time zone selected in site settings in partner portal.
  • Admin Panel

BONUS: Enable/Disable All Pages/Module Items for Search Engines

Ability to show or hide all pages/modules of the site for search engines (sitemap.xml needs be regenerated after disabling/enabling this feature).
  • SEO

Collapse, And/Or Pre-collapse Content Boxes

Ability to collapse, and/or pre-collapse content boxes in pages / templates / modules, etc.


  • UI/UX

Implement Emmet In The ACE Editor

Emmet is a system that allows coder to write shorthand and have it expanded when you push the tab key. It can save a lot of typing when writing web pages. Eg. you type p the tab and you get <p></p>, or you type div.wrapper and tab you get <div class="wrapper"></div> You can even do more advanced things like creating...
  • Admin Panel

Rename "seoTitle" To "metaTitle"

Rename "seoTitle" to "metaTitle" for consistency and accuracy.
  • Blogs
  • Custom Modules
  • Pages and Templates
  • UI/UX
v 3.1 Release date: 29 Jan, 2019
New Feature

Canada (Central) Data Center

Ability to create sites on Canada (Central) data center. Existing live and trial sites of Treepl Partners from Canada will be transferred by our admins upon request.
  • Infrastructure
New Feature

Booking Records

Adding event subscriptions as separate records inside CRM.
  • CRM
  • Events
New Feature

Payable Events, Items, Forms

- Ability to create events
- Ability to create event subscriptions
- Ability to create forms with payments
- Payments go through Stripe
  • Custom Modules
  • Ecommerce
  • Events

reCAPTCHA v3 Support

The ability to add reCAPTCHA "invisible" so the user would not have to "solve" the reCAPTCHA by clicking the relevant images.
  • Forms
  • Secure Zones
v 3.0 Release date: 08 Jan, 2019
New Feature

Admin Menu Configurator

Ability to customize order and names of admin panel menu items.
  • Admin Panel
New Feature

Admin User Custom Restrictions

Ability to set custom restrictions for every Admin User created via roles.
  • Admin Panel
New Feature

Advanced Admin Search

Quick search of admin menu items.
  • Admin Panel
  • UI/UX

_is_mobile_ Liquid Detection

Suggestion for {{request.request_data.is_mobile}} to become {{request.request_data.device_class}} with the output being 'mobile|tablet|desktop|...' as this will provide greater flexibility and future scalability as more device types could be added in over time. eg: 'tv|watch|glasses|car|spaceship|...'. Much like in BC we have {{globals.visitor.deviceClass}} giving us 'desktop|tablet|phone'.

The {{request.request_data.is_mobile}} just gives us a 'true|false' to whether it's mobile or not. I feel that the BC...
  • Liquid
v 2.4 Release date: 25 Dec, 2018
New Feature

Mailchimp API Integration Stage 2

Ability to create, update, delete and send Email marketing campaigns from Treepl CMS admin.
  • Marketing
v 2.3 Release date: 11 Dec, 2018
New Feature

Global Preview Button

Add "Preview" button to admin header that will lead to the home page in a new tab.

It'll be somewhere here: 

  • Admin Panel
New Feature

Mailchimp API Integration Stage 1

Connect your Mailchimp account to Treepl CMS (same way you setup Google Analytics feed integration). Create mailing lists in Mailchimp through API from Treepl CMS submitted forms:
- Ability to create, update and delete mailing lists via mailchimp API
- Ability to setup mailchimp api integration
- Ability to add subscription functionality to the form
  • Marketing

Change "Email Notification" To "Auto-response"

Change "Email Notification" to "Auto-response" on the "Settings" tab under "Forms"

  • Emails

Default Datepicker

Use browser's default datepicker for datetime fields on content forms and create/update module item forms.
  • UI/UX

Module Settings On System Modules

Allow using module settings on system modules:
- Blogs
- Blog posts
- Banners
- FAQ's
- Galleries
- Authors
(all except of Pages).
Available on Pro+ plans only.
*This feature would cover the following request: "Enable multiple detail layouts for blogs and blog posts."
  • Blogs

More Settings On Google Analytics Page

Add more data from Google Analytics available through API.
  • Analytics
v 2.2 Release date: 27 Nov, 2018
New Feature

BONUS: Bulk Delete Of Items

Bulk delete feature for:
  • Custom module items
  • Snippets
  • Menus
  • Forms
  • URL redirects
  • Contacts
  • Form submissions
  • Email templates 
  • Content templates
  • Workflows (exclusions system workflows)
  • General
  • UI/UX
New Feature

Digital Agency Template

Framework: Foundation 6.5
Full nICE compatibility
  • Templates

Alternative Domain For Trial Sites

Ability to create trial sites under an alterntative "trialsite.co" domain.
Currently, you are only able to create trial sites under "treepl.co" domain.
  • Treepl Portal

BONUS: Advanced URL Redirects

Ability to create redirects to external sites or other domains of the current site.
Ability to create redirects from URL's that contain file extension (.asp, .php, etc.) but not .htm and .html
If you want to setup a redirect from "/some/url.htm" to any other, just create a new URL redirect using "/some/url" (excluding ".htm" extension) in FROM field. Such setup...
  • SEO

BONUS: Create/Update Media Files In A Custom Module Item By Logged In Users

Convert Media type field to <input type="file" name="prop_[[media_property_alias]]"> on forms that are retrieved by Components toolbox.
All files will be uploaded and stored in "/media_images/[[module_id]]/[[item_id]]/[[filename]]"
  • Custom Modules

BONUS: Extra Slash At The End Of URL

Remove general rule of adding "/" in the end of every URL.
All file URL's that list in the ‘Pages’ layout display as a folder structure ie. /contact/ instead of /contact so they are harder to copy/paste.
With the url having a "/" at the end, the problem here is that with and without the slash are actually two different...
  • SEO

BONUS: Image manager in WYSIWYG

Ability to add images from the WYSIWYG editor, instead of copying the code to the code editor.
All files uploaded through WYSIWYG editor will be stored in a separate "uploaded_images" folder on FTP.
  • UI/UX

BONUS: <head> Section Extra

"Meta Tags" is now "<head> section extra" and is powered by ACE editor.
Minor label text changes.
  • SEO
  • UI/UX

BONUS: Primary Domain Management

"Primary Domain" field validation prevents from saving strings that don't match domain pattern.
If "Primary Domain" field is empty and "Enable automation of sitemap.xml" is enabled, the validation error would appear.
  • SEO
  • UI/UX

Extra CRM Contact Fields

New contact fields:
- Status (text)
- Notes (textarea)
Fields can be used in a form builder.
  • CRM

Properties Categories To Become Global

Modules > Properties > 'Categories' become global (like in BC) while 'Tags' remain unique per module.
  • Blogs
  • Custom Modules
v 2.1 Release date: 13 Nov, 2018
New Feature

BONUS: Duplicate Button

Ability to duplicate any existing 'Page', 'Content Template', 'Custom Module item', 'menu' etc.
  • General
New Feature

BONUS: Duplicate Form

Ability to duplicate any existing form.
  • Forms

Add, Edit And Delete Custom Modules Items (Frontend)

Ability to Add, Edit And Delete Custom Module Items for logged in users.
Ability to setup Add, Edit Or Delete module item permissions for particular Custom Module
Ability to setup autoresponder when new module item created by logged in user.
  • Custom Modules
  • Secure Zones

Automation Of Sitemap.xml

Add an automatic sitemap.xml listed for each site and refreshed every 24 hours. If we can make selections about importance of each page ie. priority and change frequency that would be ideal with the last modified date automatically updated. The sitemap needs to be setup with all urls being the ‘default’ domain ie. either the www or non-www.

This should include...
  • SEO


- Switching from FTP to FTPS
NOTE: Login process is the same as it has been. However, you may need to change Protocol or Encryption setting in your FTP client of choice when using saved/favorited connections.
  • FTP

BONUS: Show “Enabled/Disabled” In “Pages”

Show if a page is enabled or disabled to better handle individual page visibility.

For example in the same way as in menus.


  • General
  • UI/UX

Pre-setup Default Workflow Notifications

All sites (with any plan) get a default workflow:
- Name: "Inquiry Workflow"
- "Inquiry Workflow" can not be deleted
- "Inquiry Workflow" can not be renamed

Workflow restrictions for "Essential" and "Business" plans:
- Disabled add/edit/delete options for all workflows other than "Inquiry Workflow"
- Disabled "Email Marketing" > "Emails" section
- Disabled workflow triggering on form submissions...
  • Workflow
v 2.0 Release date: 30 Oct, 2018
New Feature

Add Basic Open Graph Fields

Option to set Basic Open Graph http://ogp.me/ for every site page, detailed custom module pages, overall blog pages, blog posts (article og), products, media downloads (structured properties) if possible.
  • SEO
New Feature

Avoid Redirects

Remove the current forward setup on each homepage so that the domain name can be the homepage which is not recommended.
- https://developers.google.com/speed/docs/insights/AvoidRedirects
  • SEO
New Feature

BONUS: Robots.txt On Templates

Include a robots.txt file on all website templates that allows for spidering of whole site.
  • SEO
New Feature

Link Manager

All link/file selection field types throughout the admin. Like a 'link manager' type widget, similar to in BC.
For example in 'menus', this will give the ability to select a link in the "link manager", instead of manually typing it in.

  • General
  • UI/UX
New Feature

Primary Language On Site

Include option to set the primary language on a site.
  • SEO
New Feature

Site Activation Billing

Integrate billing as a first step of activating the site from trial to live.
  • Treepl Portal

BONUS: Import/Export Of Items On Tree View

Ability to import/export items (parent or child) in a tree view.
All items are imported/exported to/from the level where you perform the action.
Import/export on tree view
  • Banners
  • Blogs
  • Custom Modules
  • Galleries/Sliders
  • Pages and Templates

Default Home Page Setup

Abbility to setup any page as a home page.
As a result the "/" URL will render that selected page.
  • General
  • SEO

Disable Content From Site Search

Ability to disable certain content from site search functionality as it is currently bringing up results like list items, galleries etc. that don’t have a whole page dedicated to them.
  • General
  • SEO

Email Template For Autoresponders

Ability to assign email templates to autoreponders
  • Forms

File Manager In Templates And Snippets

The ability to access file manager in templates and snippets like in a normal page.
  • File Manager
  • UI/UX

"text type" to "media type"

In blogs and slides, make "text type" image source properties to become "media type" for easier image management.
  • Blogs
  • Galleries/Sliders
  • UI/UX

Title On Admin Pages

Remove the title of the admin pages, so it doesn't say "Treepl".

  • Admin Panel

Title Tag In Menu Items

‘Title’ tag for the menu items - For improved SEO.

Allow menu items to have a tooltip added and only show target, id and class fields if they aren’t empty like how BC renders menu bar items.

  • Menus
  • SEO
v 1.4 Release date: 16 Oct, 2018
New Feature

Secure Zones

Ability to:
  • Create secure zones
  • Assign content to secure zones
  • Assign secure zones to registered users
  • Secure Zones
New Feature

AU + EU Data Centers

Ability to create sites on AU (Sydney) and EU (Frankfurt) data centers. Planned for October 10th release.
  • Infrastructure
New Feature

Visual In-Context Editor (nICE) v1.0

Will be rolled out only to paid Treepl Partners.
WARNING: some Treepl Partners may get it earlier.
  • General
  • UI/UX
New Feature

Sitemap in XML

- sitemap.xml is generated by request (separate button).
- Sitemap management (code editor).

  • SEO
New Feature

BONUS: Custom Workflows

Ability to setup custom workflow notifications to Admin Users and/or manually added emails.
  • CRM
  • Forms
New Feature

BONUS: System Pages

- "Settings" > "System Pages" - adding a separate section for customizing system pages.
-"404" and "Form Submission Results" pages will be moved to this section.
New system pages: "Forbidden" (secure zone access denied page), "Email Confirmation", "Request Reset Password", "Request Reset Password Result", "Reset Password", "Unauthorized".
  • Admin Panel
  • General
New Feature

"| number" Filter For Liquid

New filter for formatting:
- Format:
 {{variable | number: "[thousands separator]","[decimal point]","[decimals count]"}}

- Defaults:
{{variable | number: ",",".","2"}}

{{"3000" | number: ",",".","2"}}
  • Liquid
New Feature

Social Meta Tags Into Head Section

Social meta tags appear in the <head></head> of a webpage.

  • SEO

BONUS: Edit Template From The Page

Screenshot at Aug 27 18-03-44.png Allow navigation ("Edit" link) from the page to the template page directly.
  • Pages and Templates
  • UI/UX

BONUS: "Last Updated" Date Of Module Item

"Last Updated" date tracking and accessibility through liquid tag: {{ this.LastUpdatedDate }}...
  • Blogs
  • Custom Modules
  • Pages and Templates

BONUS: Menus Improvement

- Splitting Menu properties (Name, Alias) and Menu builder into 2 separate tabs to remove extra white space
- Remove "Save" and "Delete" from "Menu builder" tab
  • Menus

BONUS: "Save and New" and Delete buttons

- "Save and New" button next to "Save" on Snippets and Custom Module items
- Move delete button to the right bottom of the editing page
  • UI/UX

Branded Background Image Caching

Make the branded background image for the login page to cache.
  • Treepl Portal
  • UI/UX

Liquid Tag Insertion, Copying and Displaying

Module > Layouts > Properties (aka Toolbox)

Ability to:

  • Copy liquid tag
  • Insert liquid tag into last cursor position inside the layout
  • See Liquid tag in a plain view next to the property name for easy reference
  • Custom Modules
  • Liquid
  • UI/UX

Split Up Elements Into Sections

module-panels-mockup.jpg Split up elements of the system and Custom Module items into sections
  • UI/UX
v 1.3 Release date: 25 Sep, 2018
New Feature

Manage Through FTP: Pages

- All pages of the site available via FTP
- Ability to create, delete or update pages via FTP
  • FTP
New Feature

Custom Module Items Import + Export

Ability to import and export Custom Module items through the admin.

  • Custom Modules
New Feature

Custom Module Items Search

- Ability to develop search by Custom Module items using search forms
  • Custom Modules

BONUS: Multiple Files Deletion In File Manager

- Allow multiple files to be selected for deletion in tile view
- Double-click on on item opens it for editing
  • File Manager
  • UI/UX
v 1.2 Release date: 11 Sep, 2018
New Feature

BONUS: Dine&Wine Template

Dine&Wine template is available now in the Partner Portal (trial partner portal as well).
  • Templates
New Feature

CRM CRUD operations

Ability to manually create, update, and delete CRM records (contacts, form submissions).
  • CRM
New Feature

Force Download Handler

- Ability to specify "force download" behavior assigned to a certain media content link.
- If link matches the pattern than the content will be dowloadable to the site users regardless of the media content mime type.
Pattern: <link_to_media_content>?downloadable=1
File: /images/fruits/apple.png
Force Download Link: /images/fruits/apple.png?downloadable=1
As the result the apple.png media file will be downloaded and not rendered...
  • General
New Feature

WYSIWYG/Code Editor Switcher

- New Code Editor (ACE code editor) integrated on every page, snippet, item
- The "WYSIWYG/Code Editor" switcher saves preferred editing method for each page, snippet, item
- Removing "Code View" from the WYSIWYG
Adding this feature will resolve auto code cleanup issue in the WYSIWYG editor (you will have to use the Code Editor for all the...

  • Admin Panel
  • General
  • Pages and Templates
  • Snippets
  • UI/UX
  • WYSIWYG Editor

Advanced Custom Property Editing

- Options builder for dropdown, checklist, radiolist property types
- Ability to change property types without loosing already saved data in the items

  • Custom Modules
  • UI/UX

File Upload Type Field

- Ability to add custom form field for uploading files in forms
- Uploaded files are available through FTP (/_form_submissions/<formID>/<submissionID>)
  • Forms

New Property Type: Media

- New property in Custom Modules - Media field type
- Calling out the File Manager with ability to insert image path right into the text field that is associated with the media type field
- "Make downdloadable" button that enables forced download action of the file instead of rendering in the browser (image, PDF etc.)
  • Custom Modules

Enable Release Expiry

Exclude items from rendering in lists through custom module compontent tag if:
- Item is not "Enabled"
- Current date is not in between "Release Date" and "Expiry Date"
  • Custom Modules

String Comparison in Liquid

- Ability to compare strings using ">" and "<" operators (just like in BC)
  • Liquid
v 1.1 Release date: 27 Aug, 2018
New Feature

URL redirects

Ability to setup custom URL redirects.
  • SEO

Activate site

Automatic activation of a trial site into live site under end-client domain.

  • Treepl Portal

Dashes In Slugs

All generated pages, blog posts and custom modules URLs to use dashes instead of underscores.
  • Blogs
  • Custom Modules
  • Pages and Templates
  • UI/UX

More Liquid in autoresponders

Ability to render Liquid in "From Name", "From Email" and "Subject" fields.
Currently liquid is only rendered in "Body"
  • Forms

Unsaved Data Alert

When you leave editing any content item without saving changes, the alert message appears with an option of saving the changes prior to leaving the page.
  • Admin Panel
  • UI/UX

Filter By DataSource

Liquid module component doesn't filter by DataSource field
  • Custom Modules

Liquid Components In Autoresponders

Component modules do not work properly in autoresponders.
  • Forms
v 1.0.1 Release date: 14 Aug, 2018
New Feature


- Full stack form builder
- reCAPTCHA v2
- Custom layouts 
- Custom autoresponder layouts supporting Liquid

  • Forms
New Feature

Simple CRM

- CRM Contacts from form submissions
- Form submission records

  • CRM

Instant site creation

- Ability to create a trial site instantly
- Ability to duplicate trial and live sites
Note: all live site duplicates will be created as new trial sites
  • Treepl Portal

Filtering by category

Filtering a custom module by category doesn't work.
  • Custom Modules